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Eastern Idaho Photographic Society

25 years

Oxbow in Grand Teton National Park

Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton National Park © Roger Heng, 2014

Membership Information

The items below provide further information about the Eastern Idaho Photographic Society and how it operates.


Below are some factoids about the Eastern Idaho Photographic Society.

  • The club was established in 1989
  • Typically, the first meeting of the year is the club's annual banquet dinner. The club provides the entree, and members bring potluck side dishes. At the banquet, awards have been given based on scoring from the monthly critiques. Also plans for the forthcoming year are discussed.
  • Individual/family dues are $25/year, paid at the start of each year (typically paid at the annual the club banquet). Dues cover club expenses such as paying fees for participation in the Idaho Falls Art Council Art Walk.
  • Elections for club officers have occurred in December of each year. The offices are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Other offices are established as needed, such as program chairman or webmaster. The set of officers constitutes the club board of directors.

Business Meetings

The club generally has no formal business meetings. Club business issues are may be addressed at the start of the workshop meetings. Sometimes, decisions are made at meetings of the club board. Any member who is interested is also invited.

The following decisions were made at the 2/18/2018 officer's meeting:

  • We will participate in the Idaho Falls Art Council "Art Walks" in 2018. We recognized that participation requires members to have framed photos for exhibit on the first Thursday of each month, from May through October. Also it requires a member representative to be at the photo exhibit each month. Finally, participation requires that the club pay a fee to help cover Art Council expenses. However, we think the opportunity to display our work, to become more visible to the community, and to attract new members makes these efforts worthwhile.
  • Having two monthly meetings with the first as a program, workshop, or excursion, and the second as a critique, has been the practice of the club for many years. In the officer's meeting, the two monthly meetings were switched, with the critique meeting occurring first.
  • We selected themes for the monthly critiques for 2018 (see the 2018 entries in Critique Topics)
  • We selected workshop topics and photo shoot locations for 2018 (see Excursion and Workshop Topics)

As of 2023, there is no set pattern in whether the critique meeting occurs on the first meeting of the month or the second meeting. The very best way to know exactly what is planned for particular meetings is to be on our e-mail list. Monthly e-mails from the club contain the most up-to-date information about EIPS activities.